Comment history with Simba
Displaying 1 - 20 of 29 comments
hey hows it been going? havnt talked in a wile...
still takin pictures an scratchin?
Thats good, i hate when people give up on stuff there really good at.
Really iv never heard of that.... sounds cool tho! How has the hobbies been goin? Good i hope......
Ha ha, if you've got a fast internet connectiong, maybe you should get StumbleUpon. That thing can occupy you for hours...
It's basically one of those things that bring you to random sites according to your interests.
Hi! Im sooooo bored im likly to die, so im gona go get sumin to eat. I eat when im bored so ill get super fat some where in the next year.............. sumin to look forward to.....
That sounds fun!!!! Nothing new with me... Im in Tahoe with my bud right now, and that's about it.
Yup, it's been going great. I've been practicing outside too, which is even better than staring at a wall the whole time inside. =P
Anything new?
Oh, so hows that all been going? Sounds like it's all been going well if your arms are tired.......
Hey, what's good? My arms are kinda tired from scratching all day. =P But gotta keep on top of my game, ya know.
Yeah well theres nothing like doing something you love to get your mind off the hard stuff in life
Ha ha... I just love doing this stuff. Gotta find something to relieve the stress, ya know.
That sounds so fun! Wow you seem like your good at a lot of stuff........ Im so jelous!!!!
Well, I haven't really gone "sound" hunting yet. Just been using some of the standard scratch records. But I'll probably have to do that some time. =P
Well that's really cool! Have you found any new or unique sounds yet?
Am I good? Ha ha, well I'll say I always have room for improvement, and I've been practicing quite a bit.
Yeah I know how you feel. I entered my horse in a contest and our riding wasn't exactly they're ideal i don't think. Turntablism? My brother used to do that and as I recall it was fun and sounded really cool. Are you good at it?
Well, that's good to hear.
Hm, I've been kinda winding down with photography recently (partially because I've gotten into turntablism). I did enter a contest one, which was run by BBC, but I never made it to the finals, and quite frankly, my kinda of photography was a different ball game from the kinda they were looking for.
Ha ha, as for what got me into photography, I already got plenty written on it in my About Me section.
Yeah well I really love the sport and my horse. My instructor's cool to. What about you? Have you ever entered any of your pictures in a contest? What got you into Photography?